Under the export business plan; Products with export potential, the company's advantages in the target market compared to its domestic and foreign competitors, target customers, sales tactics, ways to enter foreign markets, distribution channels should be determined, marketing strategy and international pricing strategy should be established.
When choosing a target market, sector-based market research should be done. While conducting market research, attention should be paid to the following points;
The demographic, social, economic and political structures of target markets should be investigated.
Geographical information should be taken into account when determining the target market.
The industrial structure of the sector in the target market (production and consumption amounts of the export product in the target market, the number of enterprises, etc.) should be investigated.
The level of technological development in the target market, the use of goods produced by this technology in the sectors should be examined.
The cultural structure, lifestyle, preferences and behaviors, attitudes and habits, income status of the target consumer should be determined and their needs and expectations should be determined correctly.
Web pages on the internet can be used electronically to collect information about the market. Information obtained from the target country's statistical institution, export development organizations, chambers of commerce and industry, trade consultancies and other sources can be used. Ready data such as reports, studies and researches can be obtained from research institutions abroad, national and international organizations for paid or free of charge.